TIG Membership inc. 7 day FREE trial

Yay! You're nearly in. Just a reminder of what you get as a Member:

What you'll get:

  • 8 x core modules to work through in your own time.
  • 2 x weekly strategy calls
  • 1 x monthly workshops
  • Ask me anything anytime
  • Access to an optional private Facebook group
  • My knowledge on tap

What you need to know - You'll have 7 days to have a nose around and see whether it's for you, after that you'll become a paying member at £32.99 a month - you will never pay more than this for the lifetime of your Membership (even if prices go up in the future).

How to cancel - If you wish to cancel at the end of your trial period all you need to do is click the link at the bottom of the email you will receive upon joining or alternatively drop me an email.

 👉🏼 👉🏼 👉🏼After you have joined please look out for an email with all the necessary links for access. This could end up in your newsletter or junk mail.

What other members have said:

Sarah is amazing and so far for me the Facebook Ads module is super. It’s like Sarah is sitting next to you showing you how to set it all up.

Sarah’s group is packed full of information…she is very knowledgable and helpful in answering any questions and I feel what makes this group different from others is that she likes to take an interest personally in helping your business.

I have seen and joined many other course/groups similar to this however none compare whatsoever to the quality and impact this group offers.

This isn’t a “make six figure” click bait course, it’s real down-to-business information, templates, exercises and spreadsheets that will help your business thrive.

There's nothing fancy about this membership but it's all you need. Packed full of the stuff I always wanted for my business in actionable steps. There's certainly no manifesting here.

£32.99 GBP

Every month

7 day trial
Your payment information will be stored on a secure server for future purchases